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Asset | Accounting & Finance
This interest field facilitates students interested in Finance by means of a broad range of career opportunities, career events and company information. The supported education programs are as follows:
On Career Platform Tilburg (CPT) you can find multiple vacancies, which are related to a starters job and starters function. Besides that, we also have multiple internships or traineeships, with some even in Brabant or even located in Tilburg. You can find a vacancy, internship or traineeship that fits you the best!
The career opportunities, career events and company information of this interest field on Career Platform Tilburg (CPT) is brought to you by Asset | Accounting & Finance, the financial study association of Tilburg University. Asset | Accounting & Finance is an active, professional study association that serves students interested in Accountancy, Controlling, Finance and Investment Theory and currently counts more than 2000 members. With a broad range of activities, Asset | Accounting & Finance builds a bridge between course theory and the practice of the business. In addition, Asset | Accounting & Finance fulfils an intermediary role between students and business.
If you have any questions regarding the content provided on this platform, do not hesitate to contact Asset | Accounting & Finance or drop by at our offices.