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This interest field facilitates students interested in Econometrics by means of a broad range of career opportunities, career events and company information. Here, you can find multiple vacancies, internships, traineeships, and startersjobs related to all the fields of econometrics.

The supported education programs are as follows:

  • BSc Econometrics & Operational Research
  • MSc Quantitative Finance & Actuarial Science
  • MSc Business Analytics & Operations Research
  • MSc Economics & Mathematical Economics

Asset | Econometrics

The career opportunities, career events and company information of this interest field are brought to you by Asset | Econometrics. Asset | Econometrics is the econometric study association of Tilburg University and currently counts more than 700 members. The association is an active, professional study association that serves students interested in Econometrics, Quantitative Finance & Actuarial science, Business Analytics & Operations Research and Econometrics & Mathematical Economics. With a broad range of activities, Asset | Econometrics builds a bridge between course theory and the practice of the business. In addition, Asset | Econometrics fulfils an intermediary role between students and business. To help our students find their perfect career path, Career Platform Tilburg (CPT) collects many interesting opportunities for our students, not only in Brabant, but in the entire Netherlands. Do not hesitate and start looking for your perfect vacancy, internship, traineeship or starters function to start your career!


If you have any questions regarding the content provided on this career platform, do not hesitate to contact Asset | Econometrics or drop by our at our offices in building E on the campus. You can also visit our website for more information.


Contact Us

Tilburg University, Room E1.02

Warandelaan 2, Tilburg, Noord-Brabant

5037 AB, The Netherlands

+31 (0)13 466 2747